Energize your Summer and Intern at Scout

Scout Clean Energy’s 5th Annual Summer Internship Program kicks off recruitment for largest cohort to date
With a few openings already taking applications, our search for our 2024 cohort of talented summer interns is underway! Our Summer Internship Program consists of an immersive 12-week experience in renewable energy at our Boulder headquarters. With 20 different internship roles available at Scout this summer, we’re sure to provide you with a compelling pathway to jumpstart your career in the industry based on your specialty. Here’s why else you should apply:
We provide value to you by putting you in the position to provide real value to your team.
Put aside your preconception of interns making coffee runs and being confined to grunt work. Our interns do important work with real responsibilities and noteworthy business impacts. Whether you’re analyzing data from turbines operated by our Asset Management team or utilizing GIS software to identify new project sites with our New Projects Development team, you will make important contributions to your team.
As your internship concludes, you’ll have the opportunity to present a Capstone presentation during the final 3 days of the Summer Program. Capstone presentations are created by each individual intern and highlight key takeaways and accomplishments from their internship. All of Scout is invited to attend!
The end of your internship doesn’t always mean the end of your time with us. Historically, a third of our interns have converted to full-time hires following completion of the Summer Program.
In addition to the work experience, we also provide a fun experience!
We strive to provide a memorable 12 weeks to our interns when they spend their summer with us. This starts with team-building exercises between fellow members of your intern cohort. From hikes, to tours, to regularly scheduled lunch and learns, you’ll have many fun and engaging opportunities to build a strong bond with your fellow interns, creating long-lasting career connections and friendships. Last year, our summer activities included:
- Jack’s Organic Garden tour
- Green CU tour
- Flatirons team hike
- NREL Tour
- Biweekly lunch and learns around relevant industry topics
- WRISE Colorado’s Power Pathway Luncheon
- End of Summer Capstone and Celebration
If this sounds like this summer is meant for you, look no further. We can't wait to welcome you to the Scout team and see the positive impacts you make on our business.